The Asia Justice Coalition works as a collective to amplify our members’ initiatives and their
efforts to advance international justice and human rights in Asia. We, therefore, provide
aggregated and updated information and news on the Coalition’s projects, activities and events.
The Asia Justice Coalition works as a collective to amplify our members’ initiatives and their
efforts to advance international justice and human rights in Asia. We, therefore, provide
aggregated and updated information and news on the Coalition’s projects, activities and events.

Routledge has published a volume edited by Dr Priya Pillai (Head, Asia Justice Coalition), Manzoor Hasan OBE (Centre for Peace and Justice, BRAC University, Bangladesh), and Prof. Mansoob Murshed (International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam) entitled The Rohingya Crisis: Humanitarian and Legal Approaches (2023).
The edited volume addresses the broader aspects of the political and social landscape, human rights violations, accountability and advocacy efforts, and humanitarian challenges faced by the Rohingya from Myanmar.
The work brings together different voices of legal, policy, and international affairs experts to construct a framework which addresses the complex and nuanced issues comprising the Rohingya crisis. While there is recognition that international legal mechanisms are moving forward more quickly than anticipated, these processes do not constitute standalone sustainable solutions. Myanmar’s myriad political, social cohesion, development and security challenges are likely to persist even as justice and accountability processes move forward. Thus, this book project is premised on the consensus that the international community should complement international justice mechanisms by looking toward creative and multi-faceted approaches in addition to justice and accountability.
It consists of 10 chapters by a diverse and brilliant set of scholars and practitioners, including Brian Gorlick, Sadaf Noor E Islam and Nayanika Mookherjee, Quazi Omar Foysal, Brian McGarry and Beril Sogut, Michelle Foster and Jade Roberts, Jennifer Keene-McCann and Aakash Chandran, Priya Pillai, Helen Hintejns, Md. Mizanur Rahman and Ron Linser, Tonny Raymond Kirabira and Emma Palmer, Ahmed Shafquat Hassan
The table of contents is available below.