From 24-28 August 2020, Asia Justice Coalition and Opinio Juris curated a virtual symposium titled: ‘The Impact and Implications of International Law: Myanmar and the Rohingya’. This event marked three years since the forced exodus of the Rohingya from Myanmar was at its zenith as a result of international crimes committed in Rakhine State. Violence and conflict in the region are ongoing and over a million individuals have fled to Bangladesh and other countries to date.
The symposium highlighted some implications of international legal proceedings, issues that required further examination, and advocacy efforts. Contributors to the symposium included representatives of AJC members such as Kingsley Abbott (ICJ), Jenny Domino (ICJ), Akila Radhakrishnan (GJC), Simon Adams (GCR2P), and others. AJC thanks all contributors and participants.
Click here to for more information on the symposium and to read all contributions.