In October, the Asia Justice Coalition joined the Hague Humanity Hub as its member. The secretariat is looking forward to new collaborations, connections, and partnerships

On 3 October, the secretariat senior legal fellow Jennifer Keene-McCann spoke on ‘Universal Jurisdiction’ as a part of a panel on ‘International Justice for the Rohingya’ at the Bangkok Consultation.
On 17 October, the secretariat head Dr. Priya Pillai wrote a post on 'Myanmar and the Myriad Efforts for International Justice' for the US-Asia Law Institute, NYU School of Law.
On 22 October, the secretariat head participated in an expert roundtable on “Prosecuting Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes at the International Criminal Court” at the International Law Weekend 2022 organised by the International Law Association (American Branch).
On 24 October, the secretariat head participated in a high-level panel hosted by the Bangladesh High Commission in the United Kingdom at the U.K Parliament on “5 Years of the Rohingya Crisis: Renewed Pledges towards Justice and Sustainable Returns”.